Why is There So Much Suffering in the World?

Disease, natural disasters, war, tragic accident, killing, raping, watching children die. Why is there so much suffering in the world?

1. It is my opinion that in most human suffering, we only have ourselves to blame. When someone or something keeps us from getting something we want or feel we deserve, we act upon it to get what we want even to the point of obsession. Our actions whether verbal or physical create suffering and hurt for others and ourselves. Unfortunately when we get what we want, we are either disappointed or want more. Eventually those we hurt or oppress, reciprocate and a it becomes a vicious cycle. Anything or anyone in the way suffers for it. We are at war with our inability as a human species to be grateful for what we have, to love one another and to treat our neighbors as ourselves.

2. The earth is a volatile globe of water, fire and earth movement. No one on earth is safe from natural climactic or physical events. It is unavoidable no matter how many politicians get involved.

3. We don’t take positive actions to make our lives and the peoples around us better. We have the ability to imagine bad things happening to other people and other places and not us. We become so disconnected to whats happening around us, we don’t even reach out and touch those who live right next door to us.

4. Maybe it’s all an illusion. We have no control, but are programmed as part of some virtual gaming program developed by super alien teenagers. “Computer” “Delete program”

What to do if you are lonely ?

1. Spend time with someone else who is lonely so they won’t be. That’s just about everyone especially Sr citizens, widows, single parents and married folks. You know, The Human race. There are billions of them.

2. Get a pet. Pets don’t care whether you are ugly, fat thin or bald. They just want you to feed them and pet them. Be careful though. If you spend to much time with your pet you might start looking like them and vice versa.

3. Be grateful for the people in your life whether or not they are ugly, fat, thin, bald, have smelly feet or talk a mile a minute. There would be a lot less lonelier people in the world if we did that.

What do people want?

All people want to be loved, listened to, respected, celebrated, feel safe, have enough food, shelter and be happy. It is a commonality all humans have.

What gets us into trouble is when we feel someone else is keeping us from one of these things. It usually starts with our relatives and neighbors and spills out from there. Thats how battles begin and wars start.